Friday, April 29, 2011

The Procrastination Queen

I am a last-minute person.  I work well under pressure.

But, sometimes, that can be a problem.  I put myself in situations where I HAVE to work under pressure because I know I can do it (re: writing my 8 page paper on Monday morning.  You know, the one that was due on Monday night in class.  No, really.  That was this week.)

Sometimes, it's a good thing.  Over the last couple of weeks with online voting, I've procrastinated my, well, nerves.  I would be fine all week, and then- right before the announcement- I would turn into a nervous wreck.

Okay, so I realize I should be telling you that I'm always calm, cool and collected.  I should be saying that I always feel the peace that only God can give.  You should be hearing from me that I just go with the flow.

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll...  That's not always the case.  It generally takes a whole lot of nervous conversation with my Jesus to make me STOP freaking out.

So, I'm just here to tell you that...  I'M NOT PERFECT.  Pretty sure I've blogged about that before, but wanted to throw it out there again- just in case you'd forgotten since then.

Sometimes, I have a really hard time trusting God to take care of things.  I try to twist and turn and pull things into scenarios that I want.  And I end up making a bigger mess.  Imagine that.

Then, God picks up the pieces.

I'm not sure what the outcome of the voting will be this week.  And that makes me nervous.  I wish I didn't care as much as I do, but that's not the case.

Today, I want to thank you for following me through my Opening Act journey.  Thanks for caring.  And thanks for your support.  It means so much to me when I receive words of encouragement.  In fact, I generally print them out and hang them up to see on the days when I don't feel very positive!

Please know that, no matter the outcome tomorrow, this is NOT the end of my journey.

It's just the beginning.

So, hold on tight.  It's going to be a bumpy ride.

But it will be fun.

In His (All-Knowing) Love,
Lex <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Help!! Voting Ends TOMORROW!

I really need your help!

Please vote for Lexie 20x per computer at!

Your vote will help determine the WINNER, who will be announced on Saturday morning.

Voting ends TOMORROW morning at 8 a.m.  Please, please, please vote 20x per computer and then share with anyone and everyone you know.

Sorry for the begging, but it's crunch time :/

In His Love,
Lex <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thoughts On Being A Princess... HIS Princess

 With one of my pageant friends, Lisa Sauter, after a Miss Indiana Pageant

A few days ago, I received some words of concern about my "princess-ness".  I thought I'd post my response on my blog, as I've also posted it on my Facebook fan page.

One individual reported concern about my joking about crowns, tiaras and all-things princess.  I wanted to tell you a little bit more about why I joke so much about being a princess.  Here is my response to the concern:

"I noticed the comment you'd left, and I just wanted to let you know what that was all about.

I'm sure, at Mt. Vernon, you heard me talk about my time in the Miss America Organization when I was younger. Frequently, any time we could get our hands on a crown or tiara (plastic, paper, foam or whatever), my younger sister and I would do a "mock" crowning. The purpose of this crowning was to be as cheesy and silly as we possibly could be, all in fun, to emulate the silliness we'd seen in the pageants we'd attended and competed in.

The individual you saw holding the crown over my head in Mt. Vernon was, in fact, my younger sister. We were just being silly. And, we also did the "mock crownings" with the secretary of my work, my cousin who drove in from Kansas City, Missouri and little girls who came up for autographs and hugs after the performance.

Pageants were a big part of my life, but it wasn't about the pageants, crowns or fancy clothes. It was about God being able to use my experiences to touch and speak to other people. That's why I was involved in the pageant world. Not for me, but for Him. And He used it on multiple occasions. And I'm so thankful for those experiences and the individuals I was able to meet because of them.

In addition, I had severely low self-esteem as a young person that carried into my early adult years. At school I was made fun of and called ugly, and that left some pretty nasty emotional scars.

God has worked on my heart so much in the last several years. He has shown me that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made". That I am a work of art. A masterpiece. I am beautiful.

And I am HIS princess.

So, to me, the crown represents His light. I'm outgoing and loud and excitable. I've been told that I'm "sparkly". So, we use the crown to get the attention of individuals so that they can hear HIS message.

So, I apologize that the wrong impression was given. It was just my family and I having some fun and enjoying each others' company. We love each other, and we absolutely LOVE to laugh.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you continue to follow my fan page!
Have an amazing and blessed day :)

From one princess to another,
Jeremiah 29:11"
 I hope you'll understand that we are ALL children of God.  He has created us each for a unique and special purpose.

One of the things He has created ME for is to show other girls that they, too, are His princesses.

As I mentioned in my response, I fell victim to severely low self-esteem.  And I know I am not alone in this battle.  Young women around the world are dealing with similar situations.  Similar self-hatred.

I'd like to see that changed.  And I'd like to be apart of that change.

I hope you'll join me in BEING the change we'd like to see.  Please remind ALL of the young women in your life that they, too, are His princesses.

And they're beautiful.

In His (Royal) Love,
Lex <3

Monday, April 25, 2011

In The Final 2!

On the way to Round 2 of eliminations for Opening Act 2011!

P.S.  Don't forget to vote for Lexie at!  Your vote could help me WIN Opening Act this year!  Please encourage your friends to vote!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Round 2 of Eliminations THIS MORNING!

Well, it's that time again.

Online voting has been going on all week at, and- this morning- someone is being eliminated from the competition.

Tune in at 90.5 in the Springfield area, 91.1 in the St. Louis area or ONLINE to listen to the elimination, which will take place between 8 and 9 a.m.

Here's my experience from last week.  See if you can count how many times I say the word "nervous" in this video...

I hope to come back to you with some good news after the eliminations!  If it's not good news, however, that's alright.  I've had an awesome ride :)

I'll keep you posted.  Check me out on Facebook/Twitter for immediate news after the elimination at and @singlexiesing.

In His Love,
Lex <3

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Wish I Were More (Fill-In-The-Blank)...

Okay, I'll admit it.  I've been on Facebook ENTIRELY too much in the last 2 weeks.  I've been promoting Opening Act like a crazy person, and I'm fairly convinced that I'm not going to have any friends after this competition is over because of all the "Vote for Lexie" posts I've made.

(So, this is my apology to all of you who follow me on Facebook for the ridiculous amount of posting I've been doing lately.  You'll only endure it for a short while longer!)

Anyway, I caught myself doing something really bad today.

I clicked on an acquaintance's profile picture when it came up in my NewsFeed, and- IMMEDIATELY- I started comparing myself to this young woman.

"She's so much prettier than I am.  And skinnier too.  I wish my eyes were blue like hers.  I can't wait until my hair gets that long.  Her dress is so gorgeous...," I thought to myself.

I had to snap myself out of it!  Who am I to judge myself against others?!  I'm certain that it says in the bible that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" by a Creator who thinks I am beautiful.  So, why am I comparing myself to this young woman?  I need to be proud of who I am and what I am.

It's time we stop wishing we were someone else.

Did you know that God created YOU to be exactly what He wanted YOU to be?

Ephesians 2:10 says this:
 Well, I'm convinced that those "good works" He created us for DO NOT involve wasting time comparing oneself to some other person who is just as flawed as YOU are!

Stop looking at others, and start looking within yourself.

What amazing things did God create you to do and to be?  Start concentrating on THOSE things, not the things you believe you're lacking.

In fact, Philippians 4:8 says this:
"Finally, [awesome people reading Lexie's blog], whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
Is comparing yourself to someone else considered thinking on these amazing things listed in Philippians?  DON'T THINK SO.

So, I'm encouraging you to think about all the things that make you AMAZING.  The things that make you absolutely PRECIOUS is God's eyes.

In His Love,
Lex <3

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

((You'll Find That Life Is Still Worthwhile If You Just Smile))

During my time in the Miss America Organization (yes, I DO want world peace.  You don't even need to ask.), I had the opportunity to speak with kids, educators and administrators all over central Illinois.  One of the exercises I did with the students involved a mirror.

We talked about respecting yourself and respecting others, and with that- I mentioned the importance of smiling.  I would have a student make a "mean" face (i.e., frowning, scowling, etc.), then I would have the student look in the mirror.  "If you saw this face coming toward you in the hallway, how would you feel?" I would ask.  In a chorus of voices, the kids would respond, "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad."  (That chorus is sort-of like when you ask a kid ANY question in Sunday school, and all the kids say together, "JEEEEEESSSSSSUUUUUUS!"   Even if the answer you're looking for is bathtub or something equally boring.)

Then, I'd do the same exercise but I'd have the student smile.  The kids would giggle and clap every time as I had the student look at him- or herself in the mirror.  "So, how would you feel if THIS face was coming toward you in the hallway?" I'd ask.  "Good/happy/nice," were the general thoughts voiced by the students.

Maybe, as adults, we should all be required to go through this exercise at the beginning of our day. 

Last Friday, after the announcement of the Top3 at WIBI's Carlinville station, I was exhausted.  I drove from Carlinville to Morrisonville High School, where my parents are educators.  I sat down in my mom's classroom.  I was worn out.  I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes.

My mom quickly grabbed a chair and sat down next to me.  "Lexie!" she exclaimed.  "You need to smile at these kids!  They voted for you, and they're so excited that you're here today!"

I sat up in my chair feeling embarrassed.  I'd let my selfishness get in the way of shining my light.  I made it a point to walk around the school, smiling at the students as I wandered around looking for my dad (yes, I'm a teacher's kid, so wandering around comes with the territory). 

I guess I need to practice that exercise a little bit more.  Frowning is so not as pretty as smiling.  So, I need to step it up and smile!  I've been told you'll never know whose day you might brighten just by smiling at them! 

So, that's my challenge to you today.  Smile. 
You never know who you'll encourage :)

In His Love,
Lex <3

P.S.  If you haven't voted yet, please visit and vote for LEXIE!  Also, please share this link with anyone and everyone you know!  Help me NOT get voted off on Friday morning!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sisters=Mandatory Best Friend

"KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRSTEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!  Can you (fill-in-the-blank, whatever it may be in that moment)?"

This is generally what can be heard ringing throughout the duplex I share with my younger sister. 

Kirsten is one of the most genuine, selfless, caring individuals I've ever had the privilege of knowing.  And I'm not sure what I'd do without her. 

For years,we fought.  A lot.  About everything.  So, the prospect of the two of us sharing a living space once again (I'd moved out of my parents home after undergrad), made a lot of people who knew us very nervous- and rightfully so.

However, with the occasionally yelling match about bathroom time, dirty dishes or SOMEONE wearing my shoes and not telling me (ahem, Kirsten Renee...), it's worked out remarkably well.

Especially lately.  Kirsten has been my biggest cheerleader in the Opening Act competition.  She's worked hard to constantly encourage and support.  On days when I feel like throwing in the towel, I feel like she might as well have a pair of my old pom pons in her hands, shaking them in my face. 

If you would have told me five years ago that my baby sister would turn out to be one of my very best and closest friends, I might have laughed at you.  Now, I cherish our late-night heart-to-hearts and morning venting sessions, getting ready for work and school.  They're moments I'll cherish.  I wish everyone could know the heart of my little sister.  It's beautiful.

It makes me think about all the girls out there who have someone watching them, like my little sister did with me while growing up.  I wonder if those girls have some sort of role model. 

As an artist, that's what I want to be for those young women.  I want to them to see a Christian woman who is living life the right way. 

Who has done that for you?  Who has been YOUR role model?

Better yet, who has their eyes on YOU?

In His Love,
Lex <3

P.S.  Online voting started YESTERDAY!  Vote until it tells you that you can't vote anymore at, and please pass the word along!  The contestant with the least amount of votes gets kicked off at the end of the week!  Help!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

To Everything There Is A Season

 1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
 2A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
 3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
 4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
 5A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
 6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
 7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
 8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace…  
11He hath made every thing beautiful in his time…
Ecclesiastes 3 (KJV)


I waste a lot of it.   But, why?
Our Maker has only given us so much of it.  So why do we spend that time doing things that aren't going to further His will, His plan, His kingdom...?

God has called me to sing.  And, for so long, I've been just waiting- not doing anything about it- just waiting for Him to move me.  Well, it's time for me to make a move.  

By sitting, I'm not letting Him work.  

He can't do everything.  We have to be willing to do the work when He calls us to do so.  

So, move me, God.  I'm ready.  I want to do Your will.  I want Your plan.

You know who was also ready?  Charlie Brittin, a good friend of mine and member of Hope Church (my home church).  He knew that God's timing was perfect.  He knew that God had a purpose and a plan for his life.  He knew that, even though he was battling cancer again and again, God could use him.  And God did.

Charlie lost his battle with cancer yesterday afternoon.  And since then I've consistently found tears streaming down my face.  What an amazing man!  What an amazing testimony!  I feel so blessed to have known such an incredible man who knew how to use the time God gave him.


So, I've decided to be brave and courageous like Charlie.  Brave and courageous in God's will for my life.

Will YOU hold me accountable to keeping that promise?

What kind of things is God calling YOU to do today?  How can you have courage like my dear friend, Charlie?
This one's for you, Charlie.  (I'll see you in heaven, and I'll be wearing my best shoes):

In His Love (and perfect timing),
Lex <3

P.S.  Please pray for Charlie's wife, Sallie. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ask and You Still May Not Receive...


Feeling a little under-the-weather today, I decided it would be a great time to sit on my couch and click through pictures on Facebook.  I mean, I can't do much else at this point, so why not stalk people on Facebook, right?

Actually, as I was furiously clicking through these photos, I came to a realization (other than the fact that I seemed like a complete creeper).

Are you ready for it?


I know, I know...  You're sitting there thinking, "Hello, Lexie!  Duh!  God always knows best!"  But, for some reason, I forget that from time to time.  I, being the silly human that I am, get this wild idea that I always know what's best for me.  Then, I find myself frustrated with God because He's not doing things the way I think they should be done right at that particular moment.

Then, I wake up on a random day two months (or two years or two lifetimes) later and think, "WHOA! God really knows what He's doing.  He definitely spared me in all of this!"

I think about how many mistakes we, as humans, make every single day of our lives.  And somehow we seem to think that we have the answers to all of life's questions.

NEWSFLASH:  We don't.

So, today I am thanking God that He always knows what is best for me.  And you.

Have you every thought about the times in your life when He's spared you from heartache?  Maybe today you should.

He loves us so much that He does the things we may not have the strength to do at the time.

That's REAL love :)

In His ((REAL)) Love,
Lex <3