Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dealing: Broken Hearts, Divorce and Life

Yesterday, I had the honor of joining Melody Miller for A Positive Start to Your Day on WIBI.  I didn't expect to be so moved.

Let me back up...  A few weeks ago, I joined both the Southern Illinois Miners and the Gateway Grizzlies (along with the staff at WIBI and Greenville College) to sing both the National Anthem and God Bless America at the games.  As a baseball fan, this was right up my alley.  Throughout the games, I was able to talk and joke with my new and old friends, as well as get to know the guys of Remedy Drive.

However, it was during that time that Melody (whom I'd known for quite some time being a listener of WIBI and the winner of Opening Act) really was given the chance to hear my story.  And it's quite the story...

In previous posts, I've given you some raw, real emotions.  Now, I'm going to give you a little more insight into my heart.  I won't give you my whole testimony, but I will lead you down the path of my relationships over the last 10 years.

In the last five years, I have experienced:
-a marriage (a short one, at that)
-a divorce
-an abusive relationship
-a broken engagement
-and several confusing break-ups and non-starts to relationships

While that might not seem like much to you, it's made for several broken hearts and times of distress and confusion.

As a young woman in our world today, I could have chosen to become bitter.  I could hate males and question God.

But that's not the path I'm choosing.

While I don't understand why some of these things have been apart of my life, I do understand that God has an AMAZING plan.  It's so much bigger than anything I could ever imagine.

Please, listen to the conversation between Melody, my mom and myself from yesterday morning by clicking HERE.

If you have questions or would like to share you story/experiences, please e-mail me at  I would love to hear from you.

Being a single woman isn't easy in this world.  But, I know that God has a purpose.  And I'm trusting Him.

I hope you will too.

In His Love,
Lex <3