Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Need YOUR Help!

I was hoping maybe you could pass this along to EVERY SINGLE PERSON that you know?  Please?

I'm a FINALIST in WIBI's Opening Act competition, and I need help with online votes! 

For more info on the competition, visit It's sort-of like a Christian version of American Idol. There were hundreds of auditionees at 8 locations, and it was narrowed down to EIGHT semi-finalists.  Last Saturday night, I was voted into the TOP 4 FINALISTS for the competition by a live audience at our Semi-Final concert with Addison Road.  This is huge!

I need your help! The next step is online voting, beginning April 11th.  In order to NOT be eliminated, I have to have the most votes.  We need to get the word out.  You can vote every day, maybe even multiple times a day.  What I need is for you to pass this along to ANYONE AND EVERYONE you know.  For the next month, a contestant gets voted off every week.  So this starts over EVERY Monday.  All you have to do is visit, and click “Vote” by my name (Lexie Montgomery) starting April 11th.  Please help me spread the word.  This is an incredible opportunity!   

To listen to my demo, click “Listen Now!” by my name on the website (  Literally, every vote is incredibly important, and you could help me achieve a dream by performing with bands such as NeedToBreathe, Tenth Avenue North, Remedy Drive, Third Day and more!  I’ll be sending out reminders as time progresses.  Also, you can become a fan on my Facebook fan page at by clicking “Like” at the top of the page!

I need your help!  Will YOU vote and spread the word?
Lexie :)

In His Love,
Lex <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Humbled and Blessed (I Made the Top 4!)

We did it!
I've made it to the final 4 contestants for WIBI's Opening Act competition this year. 
And it was absolutely unexpected.
Let me tell you about my trip...  ((But first, make your way over to my fan page by clicking HERE, and click "Like" to become a fan!!))

My little sister, Kirsten, and I left on Friday night to make our way down to Mt. Vernon, Illinois for the Semi-Final event the next evening.  I needed to be to Central Christian Church by 9 a.m., so we made the decision to stay at a very lovely establishment (and by very lovely, I'm being completely sarcastic... But that's another story for another time...) the night prior to the competition.  We chatted and held various dance parties on our road trip, arriving late in the evening Friday.  After checking in, we spent the time before bed chatting, laughing and exchanging performing tips. 

Saturday morning, I started to head to the church.  And it started snowing.  Needless to stay, I knew the day would be an interesting one!  Upon arriving, I was able to spend time with the other 6 Semi-Finalists and G.W.'s (WIBI's Promotions Director) four super cute kids!  We had a blast exploring the church and drawing pictures with the kids.  At one point, we were involved in some pretty serious games of Tic-Tac-Toe (I lost, in case you're wondering.  Apparently I am not, in fact, smarter than a fourth grader...). 

I had such a great time with each of the contestants on Saturday.  I had the opportunity to talk with each individually prior to that day, but it was so amazing getting to know each of them better as we found things to do around the church!  Crystal and I had a pretty fabulous photo shoot with the kids at one point while the Mark Roach Band was doing sound check early in the day.  Here are a few photos:

 Semi-Finalist, Tim, realized he'd forgotten to trim his fingernails, so Semi-Finalist, Camee, filed them for him during The Mark Roach Band's sound check.
 Semi-Finalist, Crystal, and I during our photo shoot with Miss Mackenzie
With Devin and Semi-Finalist, Crystal, during our photo shoot with the kids

When Addison Road arrived, I was so nervous!  The other contestants knew I am a huge Addison Road fan and thought it was pretty funny to see me star-struck as I met the band's lead singer, Jenny!  She was gorgeous in sweats and no make-up, and she laughed when I told her I was nervous to meet her.  Addison Road's sound check had a few technical difficulties, but that gave us more time to bond as contestants and with the band members of The Mark Roach Band and the guys of Addison Road!

As it got closer to time for the competition to start, reality set in.  By the end of the evening, we'd have to say good-bye to three contestants.  We'd gotten so close through this experience that it was really difficult to think about that!  But, we were able to laugh with and encourage each other before the competition- especially due to the show being delayed!  I had fun goofing around backstage with the other contestants, Craig Norrenberns (G.W.'s assistant) and Melody and Jeremiah from A Positive Start to Your Morning with Melody and Jeremiah!

 With Semi-Finalists Camee, Kaitlin and Crystal
 Goofing around with Semi-Finalists Tabitha, Tim and Crystal
Semi-Finalist, Tim, decided he wanted to be a princess too.  But then he changed his mind...

When the show finally started, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.  I was so excited!  I couldn't wait to get out on stage and see all the amazing individuals who had decided to come and cheer us on!  My family had decided to wear tiaras and carry glow wands so that I would see them in the audience.  And see them, I did!  It was such a great experience chatting with Jeremiah on stage about being a princess and then having the opportunity to perform my song, Rain Down, LIVE with The Mark Roach Band!  The audience was incredibly supportive and encouraging, and I'll never forget the feeling emotions I experienced while waving to the audience when I finished the last note.  It was exhilarating!  

Singing my song, Rain Down, with The Mark Roach Band
After finishing my song

The rest of the competition flew by, and the other contestants and I left backstage intermission to say hello to our friends, families and audience attendees!  We had the chance to take pictures, sign autographs and mingle!

 Miss Emma Carter came to be part of my cheering section!  Her dad, Blake, is the pastor of Hope Church, my home church, in Springfield, Illinois!  The Carter family is such a blessing to me!
 Signing autographs in the lobby
 Two of the awesome guys from Semi-Finalist Tim Sprinkle's youth group
Hanging with the little girl who was "Shaking it for Jesus" (her words) during the Addison Road concert!

After Addison Road gave their AMAZING performance, we, as contestants, were called backstage.  We gathered together to pray, and then Jeremiah called us back on stage to announce the Top 4 Finalists moving on in WIBI's Opening Act: Made to Worship competition this year.  We joined hands and smiled at each other, knowing very well that we had all done our very best and God had been given all glory.  Jeremiah took forever (as usual) to announce the Top 4.  
 A fan captured the moment just before the first announcement!
First, Camee was called as a finalist!  Camee is an amazing, strong, outgoing girl with a voice that is INSANE.  She is a powerhouse!  Camee is a vocal coach and a worship leader, and she's a senior at Greenville College (home of AgapeFest)!  I was so excited!!!  (Visit Camee's fan page by clicking HERE!)
Then, Crystal was called.  Crystal and I are soul sisters.  We have a love of hair accessories and our precious puppies.  I was so encouraged by Crystal, her drive and her sense of humor all of Saturday.  I was thrilled that Camee and Crystal were moving on!  (Visit Crystal's fan page by clicking HERE!)

Next, Marc was called into the Top 4!  He was standing next to me that night, so I practically strangled him with a hug.  How exciting!  Marc and I graduated from high school the same year, and we were both Homecoming royalty in our high schools.  We've decided that we're going to be Opening Act's Homecoming King and Queen this year, reliving the high school days.  Marc is so talented!  (Visit Marc's fan page by clicking HERE!)

There were four of us left and only one spot remaining in the Top 4.  I knew in my heart of hearts that I was not moving on.  I looked at each of the contestants, beaming with pride at the talent on the stage.  I didn't care if I'd moved on or not at that point.  I was feeling so blessed to have been able to make it to that moment on that stage.  Looking at my friends and family members who had driven the two and a half hours to see me perform that night, I smiled.  What an experience!
So, when Jeremiah announce that I was moving on in the competition at a Top 4 Finalist, I was SHOCKED!  Without thinking, I jumped up and down in my 6 inch heels, then turned to hug the other contestants.  As excited as I was for Camee, Crystal, Marc and myself, I was equally as sad for the three remaining.  Tim, Kaitlin and Tabitha have become dear friends.  And it was hard to be excited, knowing there was disappointment on the stage.  Each was incredibly gracious, and I am so proud of them- in character and in talent.  They are amazing, and God has such incredible plans for them! (Visit their fan pages by clicking on their names: Tim Sprinkle, Kaitlin Cleven, Tabitha Cope!)

As individuals filtered out of the auditorium, I had the chance to talk with my family, friends, and other concert-goers!  What an incredible opportunity!  
With my daddy.  He has a hard time keeping his eyes open in pictures :)
Then, the four of us met with G.W. and The Mark Roach Band for information on the next steps in competition.  Craig took more pictures, and we had a great time congratulating each other and laughing. 
 2011 Opening Act Finalists (from left): Camee, Marc, Crystal and myself
 With Finalist, Camee
 With Finalist, Marc
As I walked back to the dressing room after the meeting, I ran into Jenny (the lead singer of Addison Road).  I had the opportunity to chat with her a little.  She is amazing, and if you ever have the opportunity to see Addison Road in concert...  DO IT.  They're incredible.  I feel so blessed to have been able to share the same stage with such a phenomenal band. 

With Jenny from Addison Road

When I finally got out of Central Christian Church that evening (and after I uncovered my car from the 3 inches of snow that had fallen that day), I had the pleasure of meeting my friends and family at Applebees near our hotel.  Tim joined us too!  I felt so blessed that so many individuals had driven all that way just to support me.  We had an incredible time!

That night, laying in my bed at the hotel, my sister, Kirsten, my cousin, Nicky, and I talked about the day.  I told them about laughing with the girls and drawing pictures with the kids.  In addition, we talked about meeting Addison Road and the next steps of the competition.  As I turned off the light near my bed, I closed my eyes and thanked my amazing Father for the opportunity.  

It's for worship I was made.  And it's worship that I'll continue to do.
For Him.

In His Love,
Lex <3

P.S.  Online voting starts April 11th at!  Please tell everyone you know! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

'Twas The Night Before The Concert... And I Lost My Shoe...

Well, friends, here we are...

It's the night before Family Friendly WIBI's Opening Act Semi-Final Event in Mount Vernon, Illinois, and I'm relaxing at my parents lovely home for a few hours before driving down to my hotel! 

What are my thoughts on the Semi-Final Eve (like Christmas Eve, but more fun...)?


Okay, I'm out of fun E words.  Actually, I've spent the last 24 hours or so a little stressed.  Would you believe that a little shoe fairy came into my house and STOLE one of the shoes I was going to wear for tomorrow night's performance?  I know, right?! 

I spent a couple of hours tearing my house/car/life apart trying to find ONE SINGLE SHOE FOR ONE SINGLE NIGHT.

You know what it reminded me of...?


Okay, so I'm in NO WAY comparing myself to God.  Not at all.  Don't even go there!  However, I am thinking about how Jesus being a shepherd.  No...  Not to lost shoes...  But to His lost sheep.  He would leave his entire flock in search of just one lost sheep.  I guess that's sort-of like giving up an entire evening trying to find a lost shoe?

Here's my point...  If something's really important to us, we totally go out of our way to take care of it.  We don't want it wandering off, and- in the event that it does- we search and search until it's home safe with us.  That's how God is.  Even in our darkest and unworthiest days (even buried under loads of clean laundry...), we are so precious to Him that He searches and searches until He can find us and bring us home. 

While a lost shoes isn't necessarily comprable to a lost sheep/person, it was pretty important (however silly that may be) to me last night. 

The good news is...  I found my missing shoe, so I won't be going barefoot at the concert tomorrow night. 

But, I'll tell you the better news.  We'll never be lost because we have a Shepherd that would dig through mounds of laundry and piles of shoes to find us. 

And that makes me feel all of those fun E words all over again. 

We are blessed.  We'll never be "lost" with our Jesus!

In other news:  I hope you'll all make it out to the Semi-Final Event in Mt. Vernon, Illinois tomorrow.  Tickets are only $10, and Addison Road is performing too!  EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!

The Top 4 Finalists are determined by AUDIENCE VOTES, so it's only by your attendance that you could vote me into the Top 4!  What do you think?  Can we do it?

For more information, visit!  While you're there, click on "Listen Now" by my name, and you'll hear my demo!

But really...  This has been such an incredible opportunity and journey for me.  I feel so very blessed that God has given me this opportunity!  I'm so excited to be representing the station (WIBI) that's given so much encouragement and support to me.

In His Love,
Lex <3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Broken Fragments

((What a tragedy to breathe your last breath and to discover that your life was not only unfinished, but also perhaps never really even began.))
-Erwin McManus-

Over the weekend, I was fortunate enough to worship at Willow Creek Church in South Barrington, Illinois while on a trip to the Chicago area.  While another speaker had been scheduled for the weekend, that speaker had to cancel due to a family medical emergency, and the pastor of Mosaic Church in LA, Erwin McManus, was called in to take his place.

 Willow Creek's South Barrington Campus

Driving onto Willow Creek's massive campus on Sunday morning, I felt as if the heavy rain outside seemed to parallel some of my thoughts on the inside.  Recently, I've been very discouraged by certain events in my life.  Although I've attempted to remain positive, doubts and insecurities have crept in, and on Sunday I was feeling as if the world was shedding the tears I hadn't let myself cry.

However, walking into the sanctuary, the burdens that were pressing so heavily seemed to dissolve.  God was so present in this place.  During worship, I felt that divine peace.  It's the peace one encounters when they know God is near.  And it was amazing.

After Bill Hybels' introduction, Erwin McManus took the platform.  And he had quite the conversation with me.  Okay, me and the other 10,000 people in attendance.

McManus' message was on God creating something beautiful out of a broken life.

My life feels that way often...  Broken.  I've messed up.  I've hurt others.  I've been hurt.  Dreams have been abandoned.  Tears have been cried.  Sometimes, I feel as if my life has been shattered into a million pieces, and I wonder how God can use it.

But Erwin talked about how God uses those pieces to make a beautiful masterpiece, like a mosaic.  He makes a gorgeous design out of those broken fragments, and then His light shines though.  While I can't adequately portray the eloquence of his message, I can let you know that it touched my heart.

He said something really impactful when he stated: "Maybe being 'whole' doesn't look the way WE think it should."

I think he's right.  God sees what a true wholeness looks like.  God uses brokenness.

So, I'm offering these broken pieces of my life to use in His amazing masterpiece.

((I think a lot of us are not on a path; we’re in a rut. We have confused comfort with peace, belief with faith, safety with wisdom, wealth with blessing, and existence with life. And for many of us, our dreams will be buried under the epitaph, “I refused to let go of what I had."))
-Erwin McManus-
In His Love,
Lex <3

 Mom and I at Willow Creek

My sister, Kirsten, and I at Willow Creek

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday Girl!

Today is my 27th birthday.

I didn't wake up feeling older, so that may be a good thing.

Do you remember when you were younger, and waking up on your birthday was all about KNOWING that it was YOUR special day?  Me too.  As a St. Patrick's Day baby, my head-to-toe green outfit had been picked out weeks in advance.  And going to sleep on March 16 was so difficult.  March 17 was MY day!

Getting older, I was under the impression that would continue.  I thought I'd wake up and think, "Great!  Today is perfect!"  I'm not sure what sort of delusional state I was in, but it wasn't that way.  I'd end up going to bed at the end of the day feeling let down.

I think we have a tendency to do that with people in our lives as well.  We'll build someone up so much and expect them to be PERFECT, so we end up completely disappointed when we realize that they're human.  They're flawed, just like everyone else.  Birthdays are important, but they're just one day.  And they're not going to be flawless.  And neither are those in our lives.

Once we take that view, birthdays get a lot better.  We learn to expect less and appreciate more.

I think that it's the same way with people.  We expect too much, sometimes, of those around us.  And we expect too much of ourselves, at times, as well!  We need to give ourselves and those around us a little room to be flawed.  A little room to be human.  A little room to be a regular day...

I think, once we do that, we'll find that those people and our birthdays will be full of unexpected surprises.  They may not be perfect, but they'll be special.  And I think that's the point.

Happy St. Patricks Day!

In His Love,
Lex <3

P.S.  If you want to bring flowers and gifts to the Addison Road concert next week, I wouldn't be mad...  Just kidding :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Reasons to Smile... Even If You're Faking It.

This morning, I woke up frowning.

I know, I know.  Not exactly what you'd expect from a Disney princess-wannabe.  I think I should be waking up to woodland creatures helping me clean or wishing me "good morning"!  Nope.  This morning, I woke up frowning, as my cute little dog was licking me on my NOSE.  So, I rolled out of bed to spend my first morning of Spring Break figuring out how to wipe this silly frown off my face.  

I decided to go straight to the all-knowing and smartest source I know for that answer:  God.  

Actually, that would be a good Sunday School answer, but it's not the truth.  In reality, I decided to google "reasons to smile".  I came across some pretty interesting (and completely ridiculous) results, but one stuck with me:

It said this:   Smiling can make you happy (even when you're not).

Okay, okay.  So it was basically telling me to FORCE myself to smile.  That made me frown more at that point.  "Excuse me," I thought to myself. "The whole point of me googling this stupid question was so that I would find something to MAKE me smile!  Not so that I'd have to make myself and pretend everything was okay.  I have to do that all the time!"

But, then I tried it.  And all the memories of me having made myself smile in times that I didn't want to in the past came rushing back.  

  • Standing on stage, being called first runner-up and watching someone win...  Just smile, Lexie.
  • Seeing an ex-boyfriend walking down the street, knowing he's moved on...  Just smile, Lexie.
  • Not getting the grade I wanted in class... Just smile, Lexie.
There have been a lot of opportunities to try this tactic out in the past, and I've taken them without even thinking about it!  And it really does work.

The online article said this:
Remember that mind-body connection we were just talking about? Well, it turns out that the simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you're happy. And when you're happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins. This reaction has been studied since the 1980s and has been proven a number of times. In 1984, an article in the journal Scienceshowed that when people mimic different emotional expressions, their bodies produce physiological changes that reflect the emotion, too, such as changes in heart and breathing rate. Another German study found that people felt happy just by holding a small pen clenched in their teeth, imitating a smile.  Just remember that the research goes both ways. When the people in the first study frowned, they felt less happy, and in the German study, people who held a pen in their protruding lips, imitating a pout, felt unhappy. So the next time you feel sad or upset, try smiling. It just might make your body—and therefore you—feel better.  (You can read the full article by clicking HERE.)
 So, that's what I'm doing today.  I'm making myself smile.  Apparently, my mind will follow suit.

If you pass me today, and I'm smiling at myself in a mirror or my reflection in a window, don't think I'm a crazy person.  I'm not (most of the time).  And even if watching me look ridiculous doesn't make you want to try it out, I hope you'll smile at how silly I look.

In the meantime, I'm going to go try to get rid of this frown!

In His Love,
Lex <3

Friday, March 11, 2011


"Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed

So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow

And when it's time, you'll know."

-Firework, Katy Perry

If you're anywhere in the free world, you've probably heard this song.  Some people hate it, some people love it.  It's one of those songs that gets stuck in your head for days.  And you can't figure out why you're singing "boom, boom, boom/even brighter than the moon, moon, moon" into a hairbrush in your bedroom at the top of your lungs.  But you secretly like it.

Okay, so I think my writing that just let you in on a little secret.  That happens to me all the time.  This is one of those songs that just sticks in my head, and I find myself singing it all the time.  

This is what I've discovered: I'M NOT NORMAL.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I'm not.  And I love it.  For years, I tried to hide that.  I tried to tuck the person that I am inside and fit in (see the blog post: This Little... no, wait...  BIG Light of Mine) with who I thought I needed to be.  But, I'm not doing that anymore.  

I am tired of letting the world dictate when I can, as Katy would say, "let [my] colors burst."  This is me, world, and I'm okay with not being normal.

I'm a firework.  I'm loud and exciting and bright and sparkly.  I'd much rather be that then fit in with this world.

John 15:19 says this:
"...YOU were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because YOU are no part of the world, but I have chosen YOU out of the world..."

So, here's what I have to say...  I am IN this world, but I am not OF this world.  I'm not normal.  I'm different.  

I'm not perfect, and I've been tossed around and torn up during my short time here.  But that's not going to stop me from being transparent.  I'm here to love, to shine, and to share the light of Jesus.  I'm ready to *ignite*.  

Are YOU?

"Do you know that there's still a chance for you

Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July."

In His Love,
Lex <3

P.S.  This is FIREWORK by Katy Perry :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Air with WIBI!

Yesterday, I was able to spend my day in Carlinville at WIBI's studios!  So, I thought I'd fill you in on my day?  Sound good?  Okay great :)

I woke up before 5 a.m.  I wasn't sure that 5 a.m. actually still existed, but guess what, folks?!  I am here to tell you that it sure does.  (And the only time that 5 a.m. is pretty is when you're listening to A Positive Start to Your Day with Melody and Jeremiah, because- other than that- 5 a.m. is pretty, well, groggy.)

I made my way to the WIBI studios in Carlinville, Illinois, getting there just before 7:30 in the morning.  I know, I know.  For a college student...  That's EARLY!  However, Angie (WIBI's Office Manager) and G.W. (WIBI's Promotions Director) greeted me with smiles and hugs when I walked in.  And on top of that, they offered me coffee and breakfast food!  I already liked this place!!

 I'd made it!

Sitting down in G.W.'s office to wait for my time on air with Melody and Jeremiah, Angie brought me in a little gift.  You see, Angie and her daughter, Faith, had heard that I was a self-proclaimed princess, and that I had a huge love of hair accessories.  So, what did they do?  They made me the CUTEST bow for my hair!  How thoughtful!

With Angie, WIBI's Office Manager and co-creator of my awesome bow!

Wearing the bow that Angie and Faith made me!

After gushing about my new bow to Angie and G.W., it was time for my on air time with Melody and Jeremiah.  We had a blast just talking and laughing about everything in my life from my driving my dad's "short bus" to my puppy, Truman, to my pink tutu skirt!  It was so much fun being able to be apart of a show that I listen to every morning!  I was getting texts and Facebook messages from friends and family telling me that they were hearing me on the air.  It was really exciting!  If you missed my time on air, you can hear our conversation via Melody's blog by clicking HERE!

With Miss Melody from A Positive Start to Your Day with Melody and Jeremiah!

After my super fun time with Melody and Jeremiah, I was able to spend some time hanging out around the studios with G.W.'s assistant, Craig.  Craig and I had fun discussing upcoming events and the confusion of being in our twenties!  :)

I was also fortunate enough to be at WIBI on a Wednesday, so I had the opportunity to attend a chapel service on Lake Williamson's campus.  It was great!

After chapel, G.W., Craig, Melody and I went to Magnolia's in Carlinville!  If you haven't been to Magnolia's, I suggest you drop whatever you're doing and head there IMMEDIATELY!  Everyone at the station had recommended the Lobster Bisque soup, and I discovered it was for good reason.  It was fantastic :)  The four of us had a great time sharing stories (and, of course, laughing), and soon it was time to head back to the station!

 With G.W. before my time with Joe and Julianne!

During the afternoon, I was able to spend time on air with Joe and Julianne from The Afternoon Jam with Joe and Julianne!  We, again, had a wonderful time talking and laughing.  They asked me a ton of really fun questions, and I was so excited to be able to open up about my own ministry and the calling God has put on my heart.  

Pulling away from the studios, I felt such a peace.  It's awesome to know that God has you EXACTLY where He wants you.  The ministry of WIBI is far-reaching.  And the staff and volunteers truly have a heart for God.  What an amazing opportunity we've been given!  I am so thankful to have this amazing Opening Act opportunity!

In case you haven't heard, my demo has been posted online!  If you visit:, you can scroll down to my picture, and click "Listen Now!".  My song will play.  I literally cried the first time I heard it on the air.  What an amazing feeling!

In His Love,
Lex <3

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Ruby Slippers

Okay, so we've all heard the story.  A little girl from Kansas sets off with a bunch of odd-balls down a yellow road, made of rocks, and they get into some trouble.  The whole time, they're worried about the things they don't have, and that makes things worse.  When they finally get to the ONE person they think will fix everything, they figure out he's a big fake.  Then, after solving the problems on their own, they realize that the things they were looking for, they had inside themselves all along.

Sorry if I just ruined The Wizard of Oz for you.

Here's the deal...  I feel like I've been Dorothy at times.  I've felt lost, confused, scared, hurt and alone.  I've sought some things that seemed sparkly and powerful, and those things have lead me astray.  But, with the help of the wonderful odd-balls (people who may have seemed to others like those without hearts, brains, or courage) God has blessed me with, I've adventured down a long, windy path only to find that the sparkles and power were gifts that God had already given me.

Now, I'm not saying that a pair of shoes can't change your life...  I mean, just ask Cinderella.  But, I am saying that sometimes we look to the wrong things to give us strength.

My Ruby Slippers have been on my feet the whole time.  I was just too worried about how to find them to look down and realize God put them on for me a long time ago.

We get too wrapped up in the destination that sometimes we forget the journey.

How will you let go and let God help you find your own Ruby Slippers today?

In HIS Love,
Lex <3

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Short and Sweet

Temporary sadness is far better than a lifetime of unhappiness.  

Thoughts from October 2008

It's crazy how the years go by but our thoughts are still relevant.  Here's an entry of mine from October of 2008.

"If you’ve spoken with me in any way in the last 48 hours, I’ve probably recommended a cd to you. The music and lyrics on this album have touched my heart like not many other things. Big deal- it’s just a cd, right?

I disagree. I believe God sends us gifts in our physical life. It could be a surprise phone conversation with a friend you haven’t heard from in a while that encourages you. Maybe a walk with someone close to you. It could be a sunrise or sunset or something in between. For myself, more often than not, God’s gifts to me are sent in the form of music. And I believe that’s exactly what this album was for me. A gift from God when I needed it.

Last night, I had the opportunity to finish a book I’ve been attempting to read since May. I’ve been picking it up and putting it down, not really ever getting into its truth. So, this weekend, I picked up ‘Captivating’ (authored by John and Stasi Eldredge) with the intent to finish it. Wow. I can’t express how much I needed this message exactly when it was handed to me. Had I read the book in May (or even any month since then), I wouldn’t have understood the full meaning.

I’m a perfectionist. I hate it when others see me fail. I hate feeling like I’ve failed. So, hopefully you’ll understand that it’s hard for me to say that I HAVE failed in the last season of my life. How? I closed myself off. I thought that if I didn’t let others in, I couldn’t be hurt. Trying to avoid the pain, I put a barricade around my heart. Little did I know that I wasn’t keeping the pain out- instead, I was locking it in by putting walls up around my heart. The very thing I was trying to avoid became my constant companion.

But it hit me this week. How in the world was God going to use me if I wouldn't let anyone in? How could I be a conduit of Him if I wouldn’t even let Him in?

I’ve always been told that I talk too much and that I needed to share less of myself. And while many of you know me on the surface level, I haven’t given you a true opportunity to get to know the real me. I’d been under the school of thought that I’ve had nothing of value or substance to offer the world. I'd been taught not to be completely open and vulnerable with others because I would only be hurt in return. But I’ve recently learned that being open and vulnerable is the only way to truly LOVE. Not just in the romantic sense, but the love that God intended us to have.

Vulnerability is terrifying. In being in such a state, we're risking everything inside of us. There is quite a possibility that the individual on the other end could rip up the fragile paper valentine heart we're holding out to them (see 'My Paper Heart' on the cd) and with it our very hopes and dreams. But God calls us to keep offering.

This frail paper heart that is beating inside of me has been ripped up. It's been walked on, tossed out the window and through many storms just lying on the ground. However, every time He picks up the pieces and binds them together, giving me the strength to offer it once again.

I've posted the lyrics to one of my favorite songs on this cd, "Behind The Scenes". I think we walk around every day with walls up around our hearts, focusing only on ourselves. On not letting any more rips or tears come to our delicate paper hearts. We’re not focusing on each other. How many times do you walk past someone each day without even giving them a second glance?

Behind The Scenes
Album: My Paper Heart
Artist: Francesca Battistelli

You may think
I’m just fine
How could anything
Ever be out of line?

I take my time
To set the stage
To make sure everything
Is all in place

Even though I’ve got the lines rehearsed
A picture only paints a thousand words

Things aren’t always what they seem
You’re only seeing part of me
There’s more than you could ever know
Behind the scenes
I’m incomplete and I’m undone
But I suppose like everyone
There’s so much more that’s going on
Behind the scenes

Sometimes I can’t see
Through the dark
Surrounding me
And at times I’m unsure
About the ground
Beneath my feet
If it’s safe and sound

When it’s hard to find hope in the unseen
I have peace in knowing it will find me


You may think I’m just fine
How could anything ever be out of line?

I know I’m guilty of not looking further into so many people, and I’ve felt so many times that others haven’t been trying to look past my shell and into my heart. Until recently, I haven’t given you the opportunity. That’s going to change.

I hope you’ll take the time to get to know my heart. I know that if you do, you’ll find an incredible individual with so much to offer the world. And at the center of this delicate, fragile paper heart of mine, you’ll find the love of God- He’s the glue holding me together."

Whew, past Lexie, you hit the nail on the head.

P.S.  Miss Francesca released her newest album yesterday.  I'm in love.  Check it out by clicking HERE!